Meet the CEO
Sei Kwang Hahn and Won Jin Park, CEO and Cofounder of 
We strive to "help" other people overcoming diseases and provide life and health.
With 20 years of medical field experiences and research, we begin a new challenge
"to develop innovative biomedical products".
We PHI BioMed have research development and medical experiences, in which we have formatted a solid structure to grow into a worldwide life engineering corporation. We will achieve our goal in collaboration with elite local and global pharmaceutical companies.
We will improve the status of Korean biopharmaceutical industry to compete with the global biopharmaceutical companies and become the global leader.
- We will desire "value"
- With a heart for "devotion"
- We will do our utmost to "share"
We will support economy of the country, contribute to humanity and will be with you, the community.
Thank you.